Glenn Bailey

Glenn Bailey
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Building/Department Assignments:
ESC of Western Reserve - District Staff
Staff Intranet - Staff Intranet Staff

Phone Numbers
440 350-2563 x 1119 [Office]

Biographical Information:

Glenn Bailey, Jr. began his role as the STEAM Specialist for the ESC of the Western Reserve in August 2022 in addition to being an instructional specialist at iSTEM. His background as a dual certified visual art and education technology specialist in Houston, TX, as well as a career in non-profit arts education and community partnerships with the Kennedy Center, FotoFest International, and Young Audiences, has led to supporting PK-12 administrators, classroom educators, and students in redesigning our classrooms and reframing teaching and learning practices through transdisciplinary and project-based learning. His passion lies within the intersections of art, technology integration, and human-centered design and encourages spaces where inquiry and collaboration are paramount to achievement. Glenn holds a B.F.A in Digital Art from Bowling Green State University, a M.S in Arts Administration from Carnegie Mellon, and was a graduate of the PAST Foundation Fellowship and the Young Audiences and American Express Leadership Academies. 

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